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© 2024 - EC Solutions, Inc.

Welcome to the Workbench!

Workbench is a tool where you can request, be able to requisition, manage and download your personal or business project. This tool allows you to submit a project by creating an application for this purpose.

Once your request is created, you will receive a quote where the cost and execution time will be explained in detail.

Workbench allows you to be aware of the development of the project and to suggest and add changes or improvements to it.

You may disburse the amounts agreed in the performance contract according to the times stipulated therein.

You will also be able to see the progress of the project in the test deliveries and give your approval or not of it.

In addition, you can report errors or defects that you find through the helpdesk. Charges may apply if a project expansion is required. Finally, you will have the possibility to choose in which delivery method you want to receive your finished project and thus give your final approval.

Even when your project is finished, you will have a period stipulated in the contract where you will be attended and received technical support during the use of your project.

Subscribe, and enjoy the advantages of the Workbench to develop your project.

EC Solutions offers opportunities for media developers and programmers in partnership. For this moment, the associates only have to identify themselves on the page of their corresponding user account.

In the near future, Bechmark will offer work tools for the contracts obtained.

For contracts that require a knowledge review, developers will have access to testing resources from the most prominent companies specializing in testing.

For now, the formalization of the association will be done by interview through the media or in person.

Subscribe and thus you will obtain a participation in the projects required by our clients.
